Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Kim!

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Kimmy, happy birthday to me! That's right, 24 and counting. I've been told several times that I'm just a baby, but I'm fine with that. :) I got a few cards from family and friends and I had 2 birthday parties at work. We have 3 offices that I rotate through. Yesterday I was in downtown Salt Lake. The doctor I work with bought me flowers and ended up buying lunch for the office. One of the girls bought a cake for me too.

Today I was in our main office in Murray, and a bunch of people told me happy birthday...some a few times. :) The other MA's that I work with decorated my desk and they bought me a cake too. I was impressed because it was a cake from Costco and the whole thing was gone by the time I left today. (We usually have a little left over.) My sweet hubby brought me a cheeseburger from McDonald's and I got to have a late lunch with him. Also to my surprise, one of the reps who frequents our office stopped by and brought me a card and balloon for my birthday. It definitely took me by surprise. I appreciated it. All in all, today was a good day. Next week we get to celebrate Dave's birthday. We got a "joint present" that I will write about soon.


  1. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

  2. Sounds like you had a good birthday! Everyone must love you to buy you cakes and goodies! :)
