Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Few Happenings

Pregnancy has finally caught up with me. I was able to take off about a week (couple weeks ago) to try and get ready for the baby. We made some progress, but I spent a lot of time sleeping. In the last couple of weeks I've noticed a big change in my pregnancy. We're both still doing well, but energy level has plummeted and Mom can't breathe.

Last Friday we had my work's summer party. We were able to go to a Salt Lake Bees game. They lost horribly, but I made it a little more than 2 hours before we took off. It's always fun to hang out with the co-workers, outside of work.

Last Saturday I had my first baby shower. It was ladies in our ward that came. I didn't take a lot of pictures, but we had a light lunch - sandwiches, fruit, veggies, dessert. Baby Porter got some cute stuff! It makes us that much more excited to get her here. Still not actually ready for her, but we're getting there.

Today we had a ward 5k/1 mile fun run/walk; then a pancake breakfast. I'm on the Relief Society activities board, so I got to help plan, etc. We had a really good turnout. Several of us were told it was one of the best activities we've had. I was rather proud of myself. I did some stuff with bolloons, which is a big deal since I don't particularly like balloons - phobia. I also cooked sausage and pancakes, 1st time participating in helping cook for a ward/large group function.

September is going to be a BUSY month at work. I have 17 out of 20 days in clinic with a Dr. We'll see how well that goes. (Not looking forward to it.) We're into the "final push" though. Soon our little girl will be with us. :0)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nanny's 90th

It's been a couple weeks now, but my brother Charles, Dave, and I took a quick trip to Illinois. Quick being less than 48 hours in IL. We went out for my grandma's 90th birthday party. Even though it was a short trip, it was great to see my dad's side of the family. Love you guys! Here are some pics.
The birthday girl.Gift table and 1 of 3 picture poster boards.
1 of 2 cakes my cousin Leslie made.Dave and Kim
Charles and Kim
Cousins (Kim, Leslie, and Laura)
The whole family.

We had a family lunch, then an open house for Nanny. My Aunt Karen put a lot of work into the party, and it turned out awesome! There was also a good turnout of people to the open house. So again it was a quick one, but terrific seeing everyone. The next trip will be longer and we'll have a little one with us. :)