Sunday, January 23, 2011

Setting New Records

This last week has been crazy! What's new? Last Monday we had our busiest day yet. We did 3-4 times as much business as usual, and we did it with just Dave, me, and 2 other employees. Tuesday night we spent the night cleaning. We did massive floor cleaning ,and a bit of painting. Pretty much spent the night - we left the business at 4 AM. :)

Honestly, can't remember much of last week, or the last couple of weeks. So, this will just be short and sweet. Until next time... (Whenever that may be.)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Beginning and The End

Due to the insanity of business ownership, I'm finding that I just don't have time and/or energy to do much of anything these days. However, I am off from the hospital today, hanging out (working) at the business, and it's slow right now. So, here's my blurb about the end of 2010; beginning of 2011.

The last week of 2010 proved to be quite busy at the restaurant. It was kind of a bizarre week, in that our slowest day was one of the busier ones, and the busy days were quite slow. Regardless, I think it was our best week to date - not hard to do since it was only our 4th week. :0)

Learning experience: We weren't sure what New Year's Eve/New Year's day would be like, but we thought we'd try being open and see how it went. Good plan, better teaching moment. What we learned is that nearly no one goes out on New Year's Eve, I think especially when it's in the single digits outside. New Year's day was good, but we won't be open the full day. Hardly anyone came in until 4:00 or 5:00 PM, but then we were slammed. It was good for business, but really stressful as it was Dave, me, and 2 other employees. We managed though.

We have done fairly well the first few days of January and are hopeful that we might be successful in this endeavor and in all that we do this upcoming year. Dave has hired several people, and I think we have just about got a full staff. At that point we can back off of the front lines and focus on marketing and other such fun stuff.