Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Olivia!

Today my sweet baby girl turned 1! While most people talk about how fast it seems to go by, I'm not sure I completely understand that one. That is to say, it doesn't seem so fast to me. I guess it's just been something of a longer year for us, and so it doesn't seem like it went all that quickly. I suppose various parts did, but on the whole, it just seems like another year.

Both Dave and I had to work today. Although, we did get to leave early. Dave bought a little cake at Macey's and took it to daycare for Olivia's birthday. I hear it was quite the scene. Cake, or frosting, ended up all over Olivia's face, and in her hair. Go figure. :0) We are supposed to be getting pictures e-mailed to us soon.

We left work early today because Dave had Lasik surgery done. He's hurting tonight, but will hopefully be more up to speed and feeling better in the morning. Lasik is something we've talked about doing for a while. I think it will be a huge help to him to not have to worry about contacts or glasses as his hands shake, making it that much more difficult for him. I would like to see if I'm a candidate, but I think mine will have to wait a while.

Actually, it's only a quarter to 9:00, and my sweet family is out. Dave was supposed to keep his eyes closed for 4 hours, and I mentioned that he could maybe just call it a day. I'm not sure he had planned on it, but I'm glad he's getting some rest. I put Olivia down for the night, not sure if she would go to sleep, but I haven't heard from her for 15 minutes or so. That gives me time to get a couple of things done, and hopefully hit the hay early tonight!

Tomorrow Dave goes in for a check on his eyes first thing, then it's off to the bi-annual home and garden show, followed by probably cleaning and errands. At any rate...