Nearly 60 hours old and counting. Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - enter the newest addition of the Porter family, baby Olivia! She came early in the afternoon after less than 9 hours of labor. Couple of stats: 6 lb 4 oz, 18" long, and lots of hair.
Olivia is such a mellow-tempered, easy going baby. She is remarkably quiet, almost scary how quiet she has been. During her initial assessment, shots, bath...barely a peep. We had a pretty good start to things with feeding, or so I thought. Apparently she wasn't doing quite as well as I thought in some areas, but excellent in other respects.

We only spent 2 days in the hospital, which was something of a shock to me. I always thought it was a little longer stay. On a completely random note, the food was amazing. We came home this afternoon and have already been in to see the pediatrician for some concerns. It was a PA that we visited with tonight, but we were there about an hour and got some really good information. I appreciated her taking so much time to answer our questions, concerns, etc.
Tonight will be a long night, hoping to get Olivia eating a little better - Dr's directions. I realized that there is so much I don't know. No surprise, but enlightening at the same time. It wasn't until we got to the pediatrician's office that I realized we hadn't even taken a diaper bag with us. Thought we were "pretty much ready" for baby, which we were, but now we just need to get back into general and "parental" thinking habits. Obviously we wouldn't and shouldn't know everything immediately. Lots of learning to do...
More importantly, Dave and I are so glad to have our little girl finally here. We love her so much and feel so blessed to have her in our family. Once again, welcome Olivia; we sure love ya!!
More pics coming soon. Stay tuned.
We only spent 2 days in the hospital, which was something of a shock to me. I always thought it was a little longer stay. On a completely random note, the food was amazing. We came home this afternoon and have already been in to see the pediatrician for some concerns. It was a PA that we visited with tonight, but we were there about an hour and got some really good information. I appreciated her taking so much time to answer our questions, concerns, etc.
Tonight will be a long night, hoping to get Olivia eating a little better - Dr's directions. I realized that there is so much I don't know. No surprise, but enlightening at the same time. It wasn't until we got to the pediatrician's office that I realized we hadn't even taken a diaper bag with us. Thought we were "pretty much ready" for baby, which we were, but now we just need to get back into general and "parental" thinking habits. Obviously we wouldn't and shouldn't know everything immediately. Lots of learning to do...
More importantly, Dave and I are so glad to have our little girl finally here. We love her so much and feel so blessed to have her in our family. Once again, welcome Olivia; we sure love ya!!
Congratulations, again!!! I am so happy for you guys. She is beautiful! Hope you guys are doing well and hope I get to see that little sweetie sometime soon. :)