Dave looked at replacement parts, which ranged from $20-$200 for the part we thought we needed. That might have been okay, but we really didn't want to put forth the effort to try and do it ourselves. Thus, it would have tripled the cost of repairs or more.
The washer and dryer we had was actually a set the previous owners had left when we bought our townhome 3 years ago. Who knows how long it was used before that? I finally broke down last weekend and tried to hand wash a small load of clothes in the kitchen sink. Are you impressed? I thought I did pretty well, but it really wasn't the same as having a machine do it.
My plan had been to wash laundry in the sink and throw it in the dryer. So that's what I did. I let the dryer run for an hour, only to pull out still wet clothes. Dave had been thinking about just getting a cheap used washer, but when we found out the dryer was having problems too, we looked into getting a new set. This is what we ended up with...
We've made a few "major purchases," in our marriage, but this was a 1st for us. So here's to modern technology, (they have some sensor that determines how much water should be used and how long each load should take ,) and not having to do laundry by hand.
Those are amazing! I especially like how pretty they are :)