Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quick Note

I don't feel like I've had much to write about lately. I do have news however about the business. Our loan was approved this week! Another step closer to finalizing everything and calling it ours.

Yesterday Dave and I were able to go to the BYU basketball game. It was fun and the Cougars did awesome. We left w/ 5 minutes left in the game, but since they were up 35 points, we thought we'd be okay to take off. :0)

Today we helped with a benefit concert for one of our friends who was diagnosed and is being treated for breast cancer. I think it was a big success. The concert was wonderful and there was an exceptional turnout. I'm not sure how much we really did, but I'm glad we could assist, even if it was just a bit.

One more day of the weekend and then back to the grind. On a side note, we were able to get our Christmas lights up. (Wanted to do that before it got any colder.) I'm excited to be headed into the holiday season. We love this time of year!!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on the business! And the Christmas lights.
