Had some good dates over the long weekend.
Friday night - We went to Thai Village for dinner. In our last ward we had a friend from Thailand. She married a guy who had served his mission there, and we were able to have dinner with them a few times. She made excellent food! Thai Village was pretty good, although I think both Dave and I would prefer our friend's cooking. :0)

Saturday night - I "dragged" Dave to a Jon Schmidt concert at Thanksgiving Point. Now, I did ask him about going before I bought the tickets...a month or so ago. (He forgot.) It was at the gardens in Thanksgiving Point, an outdoor amphitheater. We both enjoyed the music and the interaction with the audience.

Monday morning - We hit the road at 8:00 (actually 8:15) and went hiking for 2 1/2 hours in American Fork Canyon. The weather was awesome, and we definitely enjoyed the company. It may be news to some people, but I really do enjoy being outdoors and doing "sportsy" things. I was really proud of Dave. He did a great job today. All in all, another good weekend.
We enjoyed the company too! :) Thanks for coming with us! :) I think that was my favorite thing we did over Labor Day. I love being out in the mountains :)