Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blogger's Block

We're off into a new year, and I have already struggled with things to write about. So while this may not be the most exciting post I've ever written, I am writing. My unofficial blogging goal is to get at least 1 entry in per week.

Random ramblings... I generally don't think we have much going on, but here are a few things that happened last week. My cute little eye "broke out" in blisters, as it tends to do from time to time. It was the worst it's been in some time, if not the worst ever. I took a picture, but I don't think you'd want to see it at its worst.

I had a dream that Steve Carrell and I were dancing down one of the halls at my office. Dave was so jealous! No, not really. We decided and got approval to go on vacation! Hooray. We're doing a quick, quick trip to California - leaving Friday night, back Wednesday morning. After saying numerous times that we would not drive anymore, we are flying down. We're going to Disneyland for a few days, because that's just what we Porters do. Really we are just so happy to be getting out of town, away from work, and taking a break.

Until the next (and presumably better) post...


  1. Lucky girl! (The vacation, not the eye. Although, I kinda want to see the pic of the eye...)
