Thursday, July 30, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Quick post during lunch today. Yes, I actually get a lunch, which is somewhat of a big deal in and of itself. However, my 2 day old spaghetti is not quite doing it for me. I do appreciate having time to breathe though. Recently I have gained a few extra pounds. Actually, a month or so ago I weighed more than I ever have in my life! Granted, I wouldn't say I was huge by any means, but I was still pretty big for a Kimmy.

Reluctantly I decided to try on my wedding dress - just to see if I could still squish myself in. Wonder of wonders, I can get in. I'm a little too big for it now, but it's not in my abdomen where I was afraid it might be. I had forgotten how bug and heavy my dress actually was. Frankly I'm amazed I didn't fall over on our wedding day. It was fun to put it back on, and even better that I hadn't ballooned enough to keep me out of it.

I think I wrote something about this in an earlier blog, but Dave and I have both been participating in a "healthy" summer program at work. While neither of us have done any "extreme" dieting or what not, we have both lost some weight and I think feel better. (I for one do.) I'm now back down to my "normal weight" and I made another wonderful discovery. I can fit back into my cute jeans from when Dave and I started dating...nearly 4 years ago! I'm pretty proud of myself for that one and Dave just thought it was amazing.


  1. Lucky Kim! If I were to try and squeeze into my jeans from 4 years ago, I'd have to lose, like, 40 pounds!! Way to go!

  2. You just wait until you have a baby!! Haha!
