Sunday, May 20, 2012

Annular Eclipse

Tonight we went up to Grove Creek and saw a solar eclipse. It was only a "partial" eclipse, but it was pretty cool. It was kind of cloudy when we got there; so we weren't sure we'd see much, but it turned out that we got an awesome view.
I looked pretty good too if I do say so myself.
And we had our first family pic, taken by someone other than me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012!

A day late, but Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing women I know, with and without children of their own. This year was my first Mother's Day with a baby, and it was a great day. I made a quick bacon and egg breakfast before church, then we went to our meetings. I got my annual Mother's Day Utah Truffle truffle, chocolate this time.
After church Dave made us some really good sandwiches. We bought "real" mozzarella at Costco this weekend. He made a sandwich with bacon, tomato, avacado, and mozzarella. It was fabulous. Dave offered to make dinner, but I ultimately did it, which was fine. I tried to do teriyaki chicken, but it ended up being more like lemon pepper chicken. We had peas (from Doc's...from last fall) and funeral potatoes also.

It sounds like I did a lot, but Dave offered to help throughout the day. He really helped me a lot on Saturday with some cleaning around the house. He also takes care of Olivia for an hour or two each day during the week before I get home from work. He says I do better than he does at parenting, but really he does an amazing job too.
My mom gave me a nice blouse for Mother's Day and Dave has been working on a Mother's Day/Birthday/Anniversary present, which I'll be able to write about a little later. Olivia found out that the best gifts come from the heart (or tummy), and so she shared a little of her lunch with me - spit up. It's the thought that counts, right? Needless to say, it was a great day!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Keep Moving Forward...

I don't feel like I have much time to do anything these days. I know we all have the same 24 hours each day, but it often feels like it's never enough. So, here's a bit about what we've been up to.

At Olivia's 6 month check-up she weighed 13 lbs and measured 24 1/2 in. long. This put her in the 5th percentile for wt, 10th percentile in length, and 60th percentile head circumference. That was a few weeks ago. I believe she's packed on some more weight and has grown once again.
After nearly 7 months, Olivia has been named and blessed! Her Daddy did such a great job. We didn't have a ton of family down, but it was a really nice turnout. Dave was able to hold her without any problem and she cooperated and didn't cry or fuss.
In other Olivia news, she's a self-sitter, (baby) food eater, rolly pollie, cutie patootie. I think we have some teeth on their way. Not her yet though. I will miss my sweet little toothless baby, but am excited to see her "new" smile and progression. She continues to grow cuter and cuter.
Mom and Dad (Dave and I) continue to plug along with our everyday same old, hum-drum lives. We do however feel as though we're regrouping and things are coming together for us. There are a couple of changes in our lives currently, but I'll write in more detail about them at another time. It seems it's time for bed, again, so until next time, poka. :0)