Our little girl is not going to be spoiled, at all...! I'm behind in logging this, but I had my work baby shower September 2nd and the Logan family and friends shower September 23rd. I am a little overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. Well, I don't know that overwhelmed is the word. Definitely grateful, but we ended up with way more than I would have ever guessed.
The princess will be set for some time! We have had very little to buy ourselves for her. As is traditionally the case, I believe, she already has so many more clothes, blankets, shoes, etc than either of her parents. :) She has some of the most adorable outfits and I can't wait to see her in them. I've been thinking a lot about this. I feel like I have some sort of idea what she may look like. We're down to 2 more weeks, although we think she may come a little early. (At this point it's something Mom would be okay with.)
I have pictures from both showers, but they aren't from my camera; so I can't post them yet. I also have some more up-to-date pregnancy photos, but I need to find the camera cord to transfer them to the computer. I'll get them on soon. Thank you so much to everyone for your support and tremendous outpouring of love and support! We love you all.