Friday, September 30, 2011

Baby Showers

Our little girl is not going to be spoiled, at all...! I'm behind in logging this, but I had my work baby shower September 2nd and the Logan family and friends shower September 23rd. I am a little overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. Well, I don't know that overwhelmed is the word. Definitely grateful, but we ended up with way more than I would have ever guessed.

The princess will be set for some time! We have had very little to buy ourselves for her. As is traditionally the case, I believe, she already has so many more clothes, blankets, shoes, etc than either of her parents. :) She has some of the most adorable outfits and I can't wait to see her in them. I've been thinking a lot about this. I feel like I have some sort of idea what she may look like. We're down to 2 more weeks, although we think she may come a little early. (At this point it's something Mom would be okay with.)

I have pictures from both showers, but they aren't from my camera; so I can't post them yet. I also have some more up-to-date pregnancy photos, but I need to find the camera cord to transfer them to the computer. I'll get them on soon. Thank you so much to everyone for your support and tremendous outpouring of love and support! We love you all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

MA Dinner

Tonight I got to go out with the girls...again. The MA's in my office try to get together, outside of work, from time to time. Since I will be going on maternity leave soon, we wanted to do one of these such outings. Tonight we went to The Cheesecake Factory.
I've only been there once prior. These days my stomach is so squished that I can't eat much at a time. I got some crab and artichoke dip and split some dessert. Dinner was good, but like always it was nice to just hang out outside the office. Once again I had my camera, but didn't get around to taking any pictures. :(

On another note, I am getting some contractions now. I'm not always sure if it's contractions or the baby moving, but I've had a few that have been fairly strong. I have an appointment tomorrow; so we'll see what the doc says. (We suspect she may not wait the full 40 weeks to make her entrance.) Tomorrow we're off to Logan for my family/Logan baby shower. I think this will be the last traveling we do for a bit.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Full Day (Kimmy firsts)

Today Dave and I went to a 1st time mom (parents) class at American Fork Hospital. We did the condensed 1 day "cliff notes" version. I think that was the better way for us to do it. Some of what we covered I already knew, but I also learned a lot too. We are getting ever more excited to meet our baby!

This evening I got to go to my 1st girls' night. It was great! (Something I will need to do more of.)
I got to see some friends from high school, whom I haven't seen in far too long. We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory, yet another 1st for me. I rather enjoyed the food, and the company. We have a fabulous waitress, who spoiled me a bit because I'm pregnant I think.

We continue to make progress on getting ready for the baby to come, but still have a ways to go. Dave was able to get a lot done while I was gone, for which I am very grateful. Of course we hope the baby will stay in to finish growing, but we realize it could be anytime now. :0)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Remembering September 11th

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years. I will be the 1st to tell you that I don't have a great recollection/realization of how time flies. On Sunday Dave and I watched a few documentaries/shows about 9/11, which brought back a lot of memories. Sept 11, 2001 I was a junior in high school. I remember that I had just got my 1st pair of contacts. I was trying to get them in and get ready for school when I heard about the attacks. I was in AP American history at that time. We spent most of the day watching the news, like most of the country I believe. Dave had just got home from his mission. He hadn't been in Utah very long. He was starting fall semester at Utah State.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Follow-up Pics to the 8/27/11 Post

I wanted to put a few pictures on my last post, but just got around to downloading them. Here they are...
Kim and Dave at the Salt Lake Bees game 8/19/11.Richelle, Lynn, and Kim at the Bees game.
Sarah, Kim, and Emily
(Sarah and Emily hosted my shower.)