A couple of weeks ago we were able to go to Smithfield for Mom and Dad Porter's 50th anniversary party. We did family pictures Friday evening, then had an open house/reception for them. It was beautiful and they had a good turnout. On Saturday we had a family picnic, which was also excellent! Here are a few pictures that we took. The professional ones aren't back yet.
The following week was my office's summer party. We went to a Salt Lake Bees game. There weren't a ton of people there, but still a decent group. The Bees won 5-2. It's always fun to see people outside of work.

This weekend is a Utah holiday, Pioneer Day - July 24th. The holiday was observed today by a lot of businesses, including mine. Last night Dave and I went on a date to Trafalga. We played miniature golf, which was awesome. It's been some time since we've done that. It turned out to be $3 Thursday, which was even better. The course really wasn't that great, but it was nice weather and great to just be able to get out.
We went to lunch at Romano's Macaroni Grill today, tomorrow we are getting up at 5:00 to paint the fire zones in our community, hopefully we'll go swimming this weekend, and see a movie. Hooray for long weekends!