It was a girly girl day. Today was the spring Utah Valley Women's Expo, held at UVU. I saw an add for it and decided I wanted to go. It was only $5 to get in and there were quite a few booths/vendors. Dave got to stay home and work on his programming lessons.

I entered a bunch of the free drawings and of course got some treats while I was there. My favorite part though was that I got make-up done and my hair done up all cute-like. If you know me at all, you know that I really don't wear make-up. In fact, I didn't even put any on for my wedding. But I know Dave likes to see me get all dolled up occasionally and hey, it was free 99!
While it's not really my thing, I do enjoy getting to play Princess from time to time. All in all, pretty good day. :0)