Monday, March 22, 2010

Kimmy Go Boom!

Do you suffer from short-term memory loss?....I can't remember. Kimmy whimmy stood on the bed, Kimmy whimmy fell on her head. Yep, minor concussion over the weekend. I was trying to lift a bag off the floor while standing on our spare bed and slipped. I'm doing alright, but I ended up going into InstaCare today just to make sure it wasn't something worse (under the recommendation of a couple of people).

My head's got a cute little banged up spot and I have a really nice bruise down my leg. A couple other fun little bruises and a sore back. Morals of the story: don't fall off your bed, avoid "stupid" moments; if you do fall, try not to land on a TV stand or exercise weights.

On a brighter note, I got my first pedicure last week.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Recent Cuts

Recently I having been posting much. My "unoffical, personal goal" is to write at least once a week. I realize that I'm behind for March. I just haven't had the energy to do so. Now that it's like 11:00 at night, on a work night. This too shall be a brief entry.

Last weekend we (pretty much the whole family) went in for springtime shavings. Dave, who is very particular about his hair, finally reached his breaking point. Admittedly, it was getting rather long...for him. So, he was able to get his hair trimmed up.

Dave rather enjoys it when I do different things with my hair, i.e. highlights, curls, etc. So I whacked a ton of hair off so I could look like a boy again, like I did when we met. (That would be according to Dave.) Alright, I didn't whack much off, but I did get a perm. It took 4 1/2 hours to do! It was 2 hours of just rolling my hair. At one point there were 2 girls rolling, and I think 150 or so rollers were used. I've gotten a pretty good response from everyone with the results.

Sadie also got a haircut, which was more of a spring shaving. I'm not sure we intended to make it quite so short, but she needed a cut and we figured that she'll appreciate it in the summer when it gets really warm out. On a random side note, Sadie and I went out for a nice long walk on my day off. She really enjoyed that.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Rare Occurrence

A few days a year, Dave and I get to have a "work day" off together. This happened to be the case yesterday. I was definitely looking forward to it. Usually, Dave gets the Monday "banking holidays" off, but he is going in to work tomorrow to teller for half the day. So he got to have my day off for the week.

Unfortunately, I had one of my much needed sleep days. :( The poor guy. I was out most of the day. Seriously, I was awake 7 out of 14 hours yesterday. Not exactly the best ratio. We did manage to get to go to lunch together, which was great. We ended up going with one of our good friends to JCW's. (A first for us.) The food was awesome and the company was even better!

So while I didn't get as much quality Dave time in as I would have liked, I'm still glad that we got to have a day off together. Hopefully the next one my husband will have conscious spouse. P.S. I fell right to sleep last night. Despite my massive napping, I was not up all night.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Brief Update

Last weekend my very good friend Rebecca and her fiance Sam came down to visit. It was great to see them! We ended up going to dinner at the Bombay House (Indian food) and then back to our house where we played a few games and had some ice cream. It was a lot of fun.

We found out recently that Sadie managed to get Lyme's disease. We're just not sure how she managed to pick that one up. She only travels to Logan occasionally and that's not very often. It was discovered when she went in for a routine check-up. They were actually testing for heart worms, which came back negative. She's been taking an antibiotic and I think she'll be fine.

My brother should be coming back from Afghanistan pretty soon. I'm not exactly sure when, but I'm looking forward to seeing him. I believe that it has been a good experience for him and based on e-mails, I think he's grown up a bit. That in and of itself is just cool.

Other than that, just glad to be into March and headed towards spring/summer. I can't tell you how nice it's been to not leave work in pitch darkness. Occasionally it's still dark when we get home, but it's an improvement to see some light outside. All in all, we are doing well and just lovin' being just a couple of Porters.