In case you might be wondering, we have not fallen off the face of the planet. I have had things to write about, and simply haven't done so. Nevertheless, I'd like to tell you a little about the reason I married my Dave.
First of all, I married my sweetheart for his car. Yup, '95 Ford Probe. Oh yeah. Just kidding. While I liked Betty Mac, she just wasn't my all time favorite vehicle (sorry) and I really picked Dave because he was a finance major. Do you have any idea what kind of perks come from that?! Beginning of the year when everyone is thinking about working on taxes, finance majors (or at least my financial genius) already have it done.
Yesterday we got our federal return in and a few days ago our state return arrived. In January, Dave would check the mail so diligently, hoping that W-2's, etc would come in. Well, needless to say, we did get all the paperwork in and a couple of weeks ago we got our taxes submitted.
That being said, as quickly as it came in, it has already gone back out. Several weeks ago Dave ran into a "curb" when he came to pick me up from work. This was due to less than exceptional tires and bad weather. Our Jeep took a pretty good hit. While we thought/hoped it was just the alignment that needed to be fixed, it just didn't work out that way. Dave managed to move everything under the hood over a few inches. It's all still functioning fine, but the repairs basically consisted of "re-building" a lot under the hood to get everything back in place. Thus, 1/2 the return went out the window...or I guess under the hood. :0) I'm not upset about it. I'm glad we were able to get it fixed. Now the Jeep runs actually better than it ever has.
A chunk of the remainder of the return went to a long-awaited, much anticipated, much needed purchase. Dave and I have been on my cute little full size bed...approx 3 1/2 years.
It has worked okay for us in the past, but we felt like it was time to upgrade the bed and get something a little bigger. We ventured out to find a queen set, but ended up with a king. I never thought that I would ever have a king size bed. (I think because I'm not all that big.) As we were out researching, it turned out that we got a better deal on the king than we would have a queen. So that's what we did.
Of course you can't just buy a new mattress, so we bought an entire bedroom set. It's so sweet! Actually, I think it looks really good and it's more "grown up" than our last bed. Surprisingly, we managed to fit our bed and 2 night stands in our room. We weren't sure all 3 pieces would make it in. We also have a dresser now, which I'm pretty excited about. We used to have storage under the bed, but the drawers were a lot smaller.

So pretty much our return came in and went right back out, but it was still nice to get something back. Returning to my original thought, I actually didn't marry a finance major for his car or for being a finance major. I married him strictly for his looks. Alright, that's also not true. There are a number of things that I love about Dave. Namely that he loves me and takes such good care of me. I'm grateful to have such a wonderful husband.