Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today a few things happened that don't happen all that much. We started off the day going golfing. Dave learned how to play on his mission, and he loves it. I'm certain he would like to be able to go more, but this was only his 2nd time out this year and my first. Being the golfing newbie, I can only go to the golfing range. I've yet to "master" the game, but I do think I'm improving. I was able to hit most of the balls my 1st or 2nd try.

We came home and grilled burgers for lunch. Actually I grilled burgers for lunch. It was my very first time ever grilling. I thought they turned out pretty well. I always appreciate Dave and what he does for us, but I learn more and more just how much he actually knows and how handy he really is.

This evening we played Salt Lake City On Board. For those who may not know, it's a Salt Lake version of Monopoly that Deseret First Credit Union (Dave's employer) put out in 2007 I believe. Normally Dave does not like to play games with me because I frequently win. However he does have his shining moments. Yep, he took me to the cleaners with his boardwalk hotel equivalent. It was a good game, good day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Aminiversity!

1...2...3 years and counting. Today was our anniversary. For the first time (in our long history together) we spent the day at work. Hooray! Okay, well we took our birthday/anniversary trip early this year, i.e. the California trip. We had a decent day. Dave was pretty busy, but my day wasn't too bad.

My sweetie bought me roses, which I love and we ordered dinner from the Bombay House. (Yummy, yummy Indian food.) Dave had YM/scouts tonight, but he went over and they had enough leaders. So I got to actually see my honey. Didn't do too much else today, but it was a good day. Here's to 3 or 30 or maybe 300 more good years together. Ya Loublue Tebya Dave!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Bad - A few days ago Dave had the chills, which were joined by a fever, then nausea and muscle aches. I took him into the InstaCare Monday night where they said he had a viral something or other, but it was NOT swine flu. He tested negative for influenza, but when I told my doctor at work he said it sounded like the flu. Poor guy was not in good shape. He stayed home yesterday and tried to go in today - made it 6, 6 1/2 hours.

The Good - I think his fever is starting to break, although he's still staying warm. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Hopefully he'll be back up to full speed soon.

The Other Bad - On to the other sick Porter. Sadie has been sick too. She has been on something. I believe we've hit the puppy terrible two's. She is eating anything and everything she can get her paws on...and then some. This is a new development. Another thought is maybe she's teething. I don't know enough about puppy progression, but it's a thought. Any suggestions?

The Ugly - We have a carport spot that I usually park under. I never have really liked the carports. I try to be careful pulling in and out, but alas I finally whacked the stupid pole enough to just rip my side mirror right off. We tried heavy duty taping it, but it doesn't hold up well on the highway. Plus, I let me registration lapse - trying to transfer the title and get it registered in my name. Long story that ends in applying for a lost title and being a one car family for a while longer.

One More Good/Bad - We have a storage unit (my brother and I) and I've just about got it cleaned out to so we can stop paying for it. The bad side of this is that all of the stuff I pulled out of the storage unit today is now sitting in our house. I've been working on an ongoing project to clean our house - all of the "we'll go through it one of these days" boxes, and now there's more. I think there always will be. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Long Week

Have you ever had one of those weeks that just doesn't seem to end? That was last week for us. It just dragged on and on. I spoke with a number of my co-workers, who seemed to agree with me. Admittedly, towards the end of the week it got better. We made it to the weekend, which has of course gone by way too fast. We did a quick trip up to Logan, less than 24 hours. Dave got a golf game in and I did some yard-saling with the family. We got home yesterday evening, did some cleaning, and then Dave and Sadie crashed. Another weekend has flown by, but we're grateful to have a break nonetheless.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Addition

Welcome to the newest member of the Porter household. Our hot tub arrived last week. Yep, we caved and got ourselves a 6 person hot tub. We bought it used from a company that takes trade-ins and we love it! Actually, we were looking at another one, but it was sold while we were making a final decision. I think we got a better tub. It's a 2007 Infinity. It has 39 jets, a LED light, and a built-in stereo. We're still balancing the chemicals, but we did hop in once to "test" it out. Dave slept great afterward. We have put a lot of work into our backyard and I think we've got it just about finished. Next summer Dave is going to build a gazebo around the hot tub. I've seen his blueprint and I think it will turn out really well.
We're pretty proud of ourselves. In addition to the "backyard project" we've been doing various odd-jobs around the house. I for one have been feeling pretty handy and I've sure seen Dave go to town with his tools. It's been a lot of fun. Porters are also going green. We've purchased several solar lights that we're planning on implementing outside - some on the fence and some in Dave's gazebo. Still planning on getting some pics of the house posted. Hopefully in the next few posts.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Dave!

...a couple days late. Thanks to our internet being accidentally shut off, I wasn't able to post Dave's birthday blog on his birthday. At any rate, it got off to a bit of a rough start, but improved as the day went on. His co-workers decorated his desk at work and his branch manager bought doughnuts for everyone. A lot of people told him "happy birthday" throughout the day.
When it was time for lunch, what do you know? Lunch was brought in for the branch. I heard that some girl bought Pizza Hut's Tuscani pasta. Oh wait, that was me. I was glad everyone enjoyed it. Well, another year down. Only one more 'til the big 30! Dave's really looking forward to it...or at least I am. Happy Birthday Sweetie! :)