My how time flies when you're having fun. I didn't realize it has been a month since our last post. I found this on one of my co-worker's blog and I thought I'd use it.
Here are some questions about you and your spouse. Once your finished tag whoever you want to do this! Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know!
What are your middle names? David Spencer; Kimberly Beo Deul
How long have you been together? Married almost 3 years!
How long did you know each other before you started dating? Maybe a couple of months.
Who asked who out? I think we just started hanging out...daily.
How old are each of you? Dave 28; Kim 23
Whose siblings do you see the most? We used to see my brother once a month or so, but he's being deployed to Afghanistan now. We wish that we saw more of Dave's siblings.
Do you have any children together? Not yet. Check back every once in a while though and there may be something eventually.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Don't know, can't think of anything.
Did you go to the same school? Nope. Dave went to Windham High, Kim went to Logan High.
Are you from the same home town? Again, no. Dave grew up in Windham, ME and Kim grew up in Logan, UT.
Who is smarter? We're both smart...SMRT! I think we really are both fairly intelligent. We definitely have our "areas of expertise." I call Dave my financial genius, but he often tells people that I'm the brains of the operation.
Who is more sensitive? We're both sensitive, sometimes more than others.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? We actually eat out kind of a lot. We like Olive Garden, Chili's, and Szechwan Garden ADDENDUM: I can't believe I forgot Cafe Rio! We're also fans of the Bombay House and anywhere w/ a "lunch special" or any other sort of "attempted economic stimulus type special."
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? So far, Maine.
Who has the craziest exes? Dave - he can tell you story after story.
Who has the worst temper? We are both pretty passive, but I will pout.
Who does the cooking? Usually I do, but Dave can make some pretty good stuff too.
Who is more social? Depends on the day.
Who is the neat-freak? I tend to be.
Who is more stubborn? I'd say that I'm a little more stubborn than Dave. Although I hope he would say that neither one of us is that often.
Who hogs the bed? Jack and Sadie
Who wakes up earlier? Definitely Dave!
Where was your first date? I think we went mini-golfing w/ some friends.
Who has the bigger family? Again definitely Dave.
Do you get flowers often? Occasionally
How do you spend the holidays? Mostly with our families.
Who is more jealous? Neither of us. Nothing to be jealous about.
How long did it take to get serious? I think 2 or 3 months.
Who eats more? That would be me.
Who does the laundry? Usually me, but Dave will help out.
Who’s better with the computer? I do pretty well, but Dave's the one that uses it more. He can do some pretty cool stuff w/ Excel, visual basic, web design, etc.
Who drives when you are together? 90% of the time, Dave. Sometimes Dave has a bit of a temper though and I think I should be the one doing the driving.
Hope you had fun learning a little about us.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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